Last outing was fun and over the top. Right at the start of the evening I opened the adventure with a shadow creature breaking into their flat and asking for the money they stole from his 'master'. They chatted with the obnoxious little creature for a while, gaining some cryptic knowledge. When it became clear the creature was not going to get the money, he simply replied, "You die then." The party scoffed. That is until streams of shadow creatures crashed through windows and the front door. After a tense combat making quite a mess of their flat (broken windows, doors, furniture, loads of bullet holes and a nasty burn from a flare gun) the party used the clues and determined they needed to stop a train robbery.
Before getting on the train a humorous scene ensued. While they waited to see if the bad guys were getting on the train, all but one of the tickets sold out. They needed to convince some NPCs they didn't want to get on the train, and buy their tickets and still they were one short and needed to sneak a party member on the train. It it the little things which amuse game masters.

It was an exciting evening, and I think everyone had fun. They stopped the bad guys from getting the money, but did not stop the other half of the shadow creatures from slaying the engineers and driving the train full speed into the next station. You win some, you lose some.
Although this game does not eliminate my desire to run/play in a D&D game, it is fun to play and I enjoy running D20 in the lower levels more than in the higher levels. This group is operating at 3rd level at is very easy to run. Now I just need to work on the next overused cliche for an upcoming adventure.
The dice never lie.